May 5, 2008

Facebook, Sims songs, and covers

After having Friday off from the Family Podcast you may be in need of something for this week. Theynow has come to rescue with an excellent cover of "Siftin'" in its most recent episode.

In addition to being on MySpace, They Might Be Giants have started a Facebook profile and are posting discussion topics and pictures on the site. If you have a Facebook account, be sure to go over and participate.

Finally, back in February, two TMBG songs were included in The Sims 2: Free Time expansion pack. One was a version of "Take Out the Trash" sung in the gibberish language of the series and the other was a recording of the main theme song for the game. Someone has posted both songs to YouTube for people to hear, so if you're interested, check those out while you can.

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